NZBGet Setup Guide

Table of Contents

NZBGet is an open source Usenet client. For a comprehensive look at the pros and cons of the platform, check out our NZBGet review

NZBGet puts user experience first, including a hassle-free installation and configuration process. This basic setup guide focuses on getting you on Usenet with NZBGet, but there are several automation options that power users can integrate to get more out of their Usenet subscription.

What is NZBGet?

To browse Usenet, you need a newsreader. NZBGet is a newsreader specifically designed to access posts on binary newsgroups.

Despite being a feature-heavy newsreader, NZBGet is very resource-lite. Because it’s written in C++, it doesn’t take up many system resources, keeping your device fast and avoiding slowdowns. This has made NZBGet a very popular newsreader.

Moreover, it is a highly customizable program with a lot of add on features, both released officially and created by an active, excited user base. These add ons can help with automation, improve article handling, speed up access, integrate search, and more. It’s very easy for advanced users to tweak NZBGet to best suit their needs.

The only drawback is that NZBGet is limited to accessing binary newsgroups and only works with NZBs, so it can’t be used to browse or participate in text conversations. However, as a binary-only newsreader, it excels in every way.


  1. Head to and download the latest stable release.
NZBGet Download Page
  1. Once the installation file downloads, open the package to start the comprehensive installation wizard. Click “Next.”
NZBGet Setup Wizard Page 1
  1. Read through the license agreement. If you accept the terms, click “I Agree.”
NZBGet License Agreement
  1. Pick where you want to install NZBGet on your computer and click “Install.”
NZBGet Install Location Screen
  1. Click “Finish,” then we can move on to the configuration stage.


The first time you open NZBGet, you will be presented with the following window:

NZBGet Main Screen

Add Server

To add your providers’ servers, follow these steps:

  1. Head to “Settings”>”News servers”  and fill up the required details.
  1. Scroll down and enter the server details of your primary Usenet provider. You can usually find these on the user dashboard with most providers.
  • You need to have a Usenet provider in order to configure NZBGet. We recommend either Newshosting or Eweka if you don’t already have a provider, but if you do, you’ll need to enter their details.
NZBGet Details of Add Server Settings
    • Pay particular attention to Host Name, Host, Port, Username, Password and Encryption. We recommend using an encrypted port if your Usenet provider makes it available for more security.  
  1. At the bottom of the same page, click “Test Connection” to ensure that the information entered makes a successful connection between NZBGet and your Usenet provider.
NZBGet Test Connection Screen

Remote NZB Management

Another advantage to NZBGet is that it’s easy to control from other devices on the same network or even from outside your network entirely. Remote management doesn’t have to be difficult, but it can put your computer at risk if you don’t set up security properly.

Security for NZBGet is located in the Settings panel and can be accessed by clicking “SECURITY” in the left side menu.

NZBGet Security Settings
  • Host: “Settings” > “Security” >” ControlIP”
  • Port: portnumber from Nzbget: “Settings” > “Security” >” ControlPort”
  • Username: “Settings” > “Security” >” ControlUsername
  • Password: “Settings” > “Security” >” ControlPassword

If you only want to access NZBGet locally, set the ControlIP If you want to manage NZBGet from a remote location, set it to 

The ControlPort is the port that you would access NZBGet on. This can be any number from 0 – 65535 that isn’t being used by another program. We recommend picking a number between 49152 and 65535, which are not frequently used.

ControlUsername and ControlPassword are the username and password that you would need to log in to your NZBGet. This will protect it from being accessible by other people.

Once you have set these parameters, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Save all changes.” You can now access NZBGet remotely from other devices.

Once you have NZBGet set up, you’ll have whole new avenues for exploring everything that Usenet has to offer.

Setup NZBGet with Docker

Docker is a virtualization platform that lets developers and users run programs that would ordinarily not be compatible with an operating system or needs to be run in a particular environment. It can be used to run NZBGet on NAS systems and on operating systems that don’t have a native version.

Install Docker

  1. Start by heading to the Docker website and download the desktop version for your preferred OS.

  2. Open the installation file and, when the wizard opens, click “Ok.”
First page of Docker Desktop configuration wizard.
  1. Wait for Docker to unpack and install.
Second page of Docker Desktop configuration wizard.
  1. You will need to log out of Windows to complete the installation. You can do that easily by clicking the “Close and log out” button when it appears.
Third page of Docker Desktop configuration wizard.
  1. Log back into Windows and reopen any programs you want. Docker will reopen automatically and ask you to accept the Docker Subscription Service Agreement, which acknowledges that you are using it for personal, non-commercial use. It is free so long as you are not using it for a business with more than 250 employees or that makes at least $10 million dollars in revenue annually.

  2. Click the “Accept” button.
Docker Subscription Service Agreement screen

Setup NZBGet in Docker

  1. When you first open Docker, you will be given the option to set up an account or to continue without signing in. We won’t cover the sign up process since it’s self-explanatory, but either way works.
Signin screen for Docker Desktop
  1. You will be given the option to participate in a welcome survey. You do not need to fill this in and can be skipped by clicking “Skip survey” at the bottom of the window.

  2. Click “Images” in the left-hand menu and then click the “Search images to run” button. Search for “nzbget”.

  3. Hover over “linuxserver/nzbget” and click the “Run” button. This will pull and install the NZBGet Docker image on your computer. Once it’s installed, run the image.
  1. When you run the Image, it will bring up a window with “Optional Settings”. Open that up and give the Container a name. 

  2. Set the Host Port to 8089.

  3. Create two folders on your computer: NZB and Articles. In the Volumes section, click the three dots in the Host path field and navigate to the “NZB” folder you just created. Highlight it and click “Select Folder”. In the Container path field, type “\NZB”, then click the “+” button next to it.

  4. Repeat the above step for the Articles folder. See the image below for the correct settings.

  5. Click “Run”.
Docker Desktop New Container Screen
  1. Open a web browser window and navigate to This will open the NZBGet Docker container.

  2. Login with the username “nzbget” and the NZBGet default password “tegbzn6789” (without quotes).
You can now use NZBGet as you normally would.

How to Use NZBGet

NZBs list the server location of several Usenet articles. When imported into a newsreader, the articles are found and retrieved. This is fantastic for posts that have been split into multiple parts as binaries often are and can also be useful for collecting whole text conversations easily.

There are several ways to use an NZB in NZBGet:

  1. From a URL
  2. From a local directory
  3. From an NZB Directory

All methods start by opening NZBGet and clicking the “+Add” button in the top left corner of the home screen.

Method 1: From a URL

The simplest way to retrieve binaries from Usenet with NZBGet is by inputting the URL of an NZB. Many common NZBs are available on web servers, usually through Indexers.

Browse for the NZB URL with your web browser. Once you have the address of the NZB, click “+Add” in NZBGet. This will bring up a new window.

NZBGet Add NZB screen with Add from URL field in a red box.

Copy and paste the NZB URL into the “Add from URL” field and click “Submit”. NZBGet will take care of the rest.

Method 2: From a Local Directory

This method builds on the previous one. Often, NZBs will not be stored on a web server. This is especially true when your Indexer or Usenet search solution (like Global Search 2.0 from UsenetServer) lets you create custom NZBs that will retrieve the posts you want.

Once you’ve assembled your custom NZB, save it to your computer and note the directory. Click the “+Add” button on the NZBGet home screen, and then click “Select files” next to “Add local files”. Navigate to the directory where you saved your NZB and select it. Click “Submit” and NZBGet will retrieve the articles you selected.

NZBGet Add NZB screen with Add local files line in a red box.

Method 3: From an NZB Directory

This method requires a little more setup than the previous methods, but will save you time and effort in the long run.

First, you need to set up an NZB directory. 

Click “Settings” on the top of the NZBGet home screen. Click “PATHS” in the left side menu and scroll down until you see a field marked “NzbDir”. Simply input the directory that you want to store NZBs in. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the “Save all changes” button in the bottom left corner.

NZBGet Settings page that lets you create an NZB directory

Now that you have that set up, when you place an NZB into that directory, NZBGet will automatically retrieve the posts.

If NZBGet doesn’t automatically start the process, you can also manually scan the folder for new NZBs. Click the “+Add” button on the NZBGet home screen, then click the “Scan incoming directory” button next to “Add from NzbDir”. NZBGet will then retrieve the articles outlined in all new NZBs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NZBGet used for?

NZBGet is a newsreader designed to access binary newsgroups. It uses NZBs to efficiently find and retrieve multiple articles. It can reassemble and organize binaries and is highly customizable.

What’s the difference between NZBGet and SABnzbd?

These are very similar programs, but the major difference is that NZBGet is built using C++, so it is fast and powerful without using too many system resources.

What is the default password for NZBGet?

The default username for NZBGet is “nzbget” (without quotes) and the default password is either “tegbzn6789” (without quotes) or leaving the field blank, depending on the version.

How do I add a news server to NZBGet?

To add a news server from a new Usenet provider to NZBGet, click “Settings” on the top of the home screen. Click “NEWS-SERVERS” in the left side menu, which will bring up your main server information. Fill out the appropriate fields, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the “Save all changes” button.

If you already have a news server configured in NZBGet and want to add another one, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the “Add another Server” button. This will open a new set of fields to input the server address, your credentials, and any additional information you need to access Usenet. Follow the above instructions to finish setup.

How do I backup or restore my NZBGet settings?

To backup your NZBGet settings, start by clicking “Settings” on the top of the home screen. Click “SYSTEM” in the left hand menu, then click the “Backup” button in the screen it opens. Navigate to where you want to save your backup and click “Save”.

To restore your NZBGet settings, click “Settings” on the top of the home screen. Click “SYSTEM” in the left hand menu, then click the “Restore” button in the screen it opens. Navigate to where you saved your settings previously and select that file. NZBGet will restore your old settings.

Bottom Line

There’s a lot that you can do with NZBGet. When it comes to accessing binary newsgroups, there are few newsreaders more powerful and none that take so few system resources. Taking the time to set up NZBGet to meet your needs will help you maximize your Usenet potential and get the most out of your subscription.

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