The Big 8 Usenet Hierarchies
- Understand the way Usenet is organized
- Find the newsgroups you want to follow
- Learn how new newsgroups are added to the Usenet feed
Long before the rise of Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit, there was Usenet, a decentralized network for online discussion and information sharing, also called newsgroups, that even predates the World Wide Web and is organized by the Big 8 hierarchies. Still thriving today, in this article we delve into the basic structures of Usenet, specifically the “Big 8,” a classification system that organizes newsgroups into eight broad categories, each serving a unique purpose.
We’ll explore the origins of the Big 8 hierarchies, their significance, and the pivotal role they continue to play in shaping online discussions and knowledge dissemination.
From comp.* to rec., soc. to sci.*, these hierarchies are the backbone of Usenet’s organizational structure, and understanding them is key to navigating Usenet communities effectively.
What Are Usenet Hierarchies?
Usenet hierarchies are organizational categories that group newsgroups based on subject matter. Established in the early days of Usenet, the Big 8 hierarchies were designed to create order and improve the user experience by categorizing discussions into broad, meaningful topics.
A Brief History of Usenet Hierarchies
Usenet was originally created as a way of sharing information between two universities through a shared protocol. We go into more detail in our What is Usenet article, but what you need to know is that initially all posts to the original “User Network” were categorized as “news” and placed in the “” category.. However, as more people started having extended conversations on a wide range of topics, it became clear that more categories were necessary to sustain Usenet as a viable communication tool.
The creators of Usenet added “” to propose new categories for different topics and debate whether they should be created/where they should go. Unfortunately, despite the egalitarian impulse, eventually fell into chaos, with flame wars erupting on a regular basis about whether or not a group was considered too silly or whether the categorization was appropriate.
In the early 90s and after several more iterations, Usenet settled on the hierarchy structure known today as the Big 8.
The Big 8

Modern Usenet is split into 8 high level categories called “hierarchies.”
- Comp.*: Focuses on computing, programming, and software development. Discussions range from coding practices to emerging technologies.
- Humanities.*: A hub for the arts, including literature, music, and history, fostering conversations on cultural and intellectual topics.
- News.*: legacy Originally dedicated to Usenet news, this hierarchy has expanded to cover broader news topics, with active newsgroups discussing current events
- Rec.*: Short for ‘Recreation,’ Rec groups focus on hobbies and recreational activities such as gaming, camping, and crafts.
- Sci.*: A category for scientific discussions, including physics, biology, chemistry, and other STEM fields, promoting knowledge sharing among enthusiasts and professionals alike.
- Soc.*: This category supports social interaction and community building, offering a space for general discussions and group conversations.
- Misc.*: The Miscellaneous category accommodates topics that don’t fit neatly into the other Big 8 hierarchies, allowing for a variety of subjects.
- Talk.*: Dedicated to more controversial topics like politics and religion, the Talk hierarchy encourages open discourse on complex social issues.
There is an unofficial 9th member of the Big 8, Alt, which was meant to cover topics that the other 8 didn’t, but quickly ballooned into the largest newsgroup hierarchy on Usenet.
The Big 8, with the exception of Alt, is controlled by a Usenet management board. Their job is to create and maintain newsgroups, but otherwise they remain very hands-off, leaving moderation to individual newsgroup moderators.
Regional Hierarchies
Beyond the Big 8, there are regional hierarchies like `de.*` for German-speaking users, `uk.*` for British users, and many others. These regional hierarchies allow users to engage in discussions relevant to specific locations or languages. Here are just a few examples:
- aus.*: Australian newsgroups
- ba.*: discussions for the San Francisco Bay area
- ca.*: conversations about California
- can.*: Canadian newsgroups
- cn.*: Chinese newsgroups
- chi.*: discussions about the Chicago area
- de.*: discussions in German
- ec.*: discussions about Ecuador
- fr.*: discussions in French
- fj.*: discussions in Japanese
- hawaii.*: discussions local to Hawaii
- hk.*: Hong Kong newsgroups
- it.*: discussions in Italian
- nl.*: Dutch newsgroups
- no.*: Norwegian newsgroups
- pl.*: Polish newsgroups
- uk.*: discussions about the United Kingdom
Accessing the Big 8 Hierarchies
It’s easy to access newsgroups in the Big 8 hierarchies.
- Get a Usenet subscription. We recommend any of our Best Usenet Providers.
- Set Up a Newsreader. Use a newsreader with integrated Usenet search functionality. There are several great options in our Best Usenet Search article.
- – Start Browsing Topics. Most newsreaders provide a full list of newsgroups organized by hierarchy, making it easy to find topics of interest.
It’s really that simple. Most newsreaders will also let you see a full list of available newsgroups broken down by hierarchy, so it’s easy to find newsgroups that pique your curiosity and start exploring.
Creating Newsgroups in the Big 8
If you want to create your own newsgroup in the Big 8 hierarchies, there is a formal process for creation overseen by the Usenet Big-8 Management Board. This keeps Usenet clean, ensures there is interest in the specific newsgroup, and helps to find more appropriate, currently existing newsgroups if there is one.
To create a newsgroup, follow these steps:
- Submit a Request For Discussion (RFD) to news.announce.newgroups.
- Participate in discussion of the RFD in news.groups.proposals.
- Request that the board vote on the proposal.
- Wait for the board to take a vote and answer any questions they may have.
- If the proposal passes, your newsgroup is created.
Alt newsgroups don’t have to go through the same process because they are not subject to oversight by the Management Board. While the Management Board does determine which newsgroups are created, they don’t engage in moderation of any specific newsgroup. Some newsgroups have moderators (and often have “.moderated” appended to the end of the newsgroup name), but most are unmoderated and free of censorship.
Bottom Line
The Big 8 hierarchies form the structural foundation of Usenet, helping users find relevant communities and engage in focused discussions. Whether you’re interested in technology, the arts, or scientific fields, understanding Usenet’s organization can help you connect with like-minded individuals on this enduring platform.